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Why I chose to bake cupcakes

I was a little girl who lived with my mother and 2 beautiful sisters. My mum would always say to us all 'let's bake cupcakes', so we did. We baked and baked then we would eat our cupcakes that we all baked as a family. Me and my sisters would always argue on who would put icing on the fresh cupcakes. We would always get into arguments as all of us would want to ice the cupcakes. So my mum gave us all a spoon to ice, which made us all happy.

While growing up and living on my own with my partner and children. My partner had said to me why don't I start baking and sell them as I am really good at baking and I love to be creative and busy. I was replied back saying I will think about as there are lots of preparations to do. After a year I took the plunge to follow and see where it will take me. I enjoy baking cupcakes. It makes me happy.

I have had family and friends order of me and I also get people emailing me. This had built up my confidence in doing it more. I than started to take orders and orders had come flying through which I was glad about as that only meant I would be busy and on my toes. I then fell pregnant and decided that the time had come to put this business on hold as I wouldn't find time in taking orders and looking after my new born. I had decided that once my daughter turns 1 years old I will get back into it. I have 2 other children (both boys aged 5 and 6). Yes they are all a handful but they are worth it.

I have now just updated my website, I am looking into making a decent website but that can actually wait at the moment. I would continue using this one till I have saved up and can build one.

Hope you have had a lovely time in reading my first blog. I will write my second one on what I am doing other than cupcakes.

Happy Reading. <3 x

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